Life can feel uncertain at times. The uncertainty tempts us to fear, we don’t trust that things will be okay. The good news is that there is Someone we can trust in life—no matter what is happening. And, we want to make sure our preschoolers know it! We are bringing out the music, dancing, and fun instruments to help teach our preschoolers that they can Press Play and trust God. In fact, it is so important to us that they know they can trust God, we are going to focus on it for two months! And, the Bible stories they will be hearing will give them plenty of reasons why they can trust God! As our preschoolers grow up and life begins to feel a little uncertain, we want to make sure they know they can Press Play and trust that God loves them, has a plan for them, will use them, and has the power to do anything in their lives.
Week One (June 6)
Today’s Bible Story: God gave us Jesus. Greatest Verse Ever • John 3:16
Memory Verse: “I trust in God. I am not afraid.” Psalm 56:11, NIrV
Key Question: Who can trust God?
Bottom Line: I can trust God.
Basic Truth: God loves me.
Story Focus: God’s gave us Jesus. Week one, we will begin with how much God loves us. God loves us so much He gave us Jesus to be our friend forever. That is a lot of love. We want our preschoolers to know that because God gave them Jesus, they can Press Play and trust God’s love for them.
Week Two (June 13)
Today’s Bible Story: We can trust God’s plan.Jericho • Joshua 5:13–6:27
Memory Verse: “I trust in God. I am not afraid.” Psalm 56:11, NIrV
Key Question: Who can trust God?
Bottom Line: I can trust God.
Basic Truth: God loves me.
Story Focus: We can trust God’s plan. Then, we will hear the story of a guy named Joshua and his battle against Jericho. Joshua had a choice to make, and it all came down to whether or not he trusted God and His plan. God’s plan for Joshua worked, and we want our preschoolers to know that they can Press Play and trust God’s plan for them too.
Week Three (June 20)
Today’s Bible Story: God can use you, no matter what.Gideon • Judges 6–8
Memory Verse: “I trust in God. I am not afraid.” Psalm 56:11, NIrV
Key Question: Who can trust God?
Bottom Line: I can trust God.
Basic Truth: God loves me.
Story Focus: God can use you no matter what. Week three, we will hear about how Gideon trusted that God could use him, despite his weaknesses, and God used Gideon to do some pretty amazing things! We want our preschoolers to know that they can Press Play and trust God to use them too
Week Four (June 27)
Today’s Bible Story: God can do anything.Elijah and the Fire • 1 Kings 18
Memory Verse: “I trust in God. I am not afraid.” Psalm 56:11, NIrV
Key Question: Who can trust God?
Bottom Line: I can trust God.
Basic Truth: God loves me
Story Focus: God can do anything. We end the month learning about trusting that God can do anything—even something like send fire down to an altar. Elijah totally trusted God and told everyone around him that God is the one true God and they should trust Him, too. We want our preschoolers to know that they can Press Play and trust that God is the one true God, and He has the power to do anything.